Any audio/video features available within Slack or Discord, are bound to be less secure and less flexible than excellent alternatives such as Jitsi. Services like Slack and Discord are centralized platforms that perform analytics on your behavior and can sell or leak this data to 3rd parties. Keybase includes Git integration for versioning, bots from multiple platforms to facilitate audio/video-conferencing, a Cryptocurrency wallet, and many advanced privacy features to make you more or less traceable. Custom combinations of users/teams/bots, can be designed to catalyze Remote Teams of all kinds, this process can also be automated.

Each message or interaction that a user has with a team or other user, is verifiable and digitally-signed. Each Keybase user or team is a unique cryptographic identity. Keybase is a free, end-to-end encrypted, open-source program with almost limitless flexibility.

And because Keybase is so transparently good at what it does, Keybase is a foundational software that facilitates the future of work: effective, inclusive, secure Remote Teams.

Keybase is a powerful and secure team-organizing software.